Privacy Policy

The collection and management of information is critical to the operation of the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce in order to perform its functions to the benefits of its members and the wider community.  

The Chamber acknowledges the concern around classified information and is committed to dealing with information in a legal and confidential manner. This policy will further elaborate on this point to provide guidance on how the Chamber manages data by clarifying responsibilities of staff and outlining the practices the business follows to achieve good governance for members and the public at large.   

We are committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Privacy Act”) in relation to all personal information we collect. This commitment is demonstrated in this policy. The Privacy Act incorporates the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs set out the way in which personal information must be treated.

This policy applies to Chamber staff, volunteers and board members. Data covered includes information received by the Chamber in all formats including written hard-copy, email, and voice mail. This will also include data collected on the website and app. This policy will govern the information gathered and dealt with by the Chamber both on and off site.  

All those entrusted with the information at the Chamber have the responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with this policy and its supporting legislation.  

The Chamber collects information via the website, when queries and emails are sent and thorough membership applications. This information is kept in order to provide services by fulfilling requests, enabling contact, identification and creating personalised services matching the unique traits provided.  

Other ways the information is used to perform legislative and administrative functions, develop policy further through research and evaluation, for complaints handling reasons and program management within the Chamber itself.  

Types of Personal Information held include: 

  • Names and addresses 
  • Phone number
  • Email addresses
  • Business logo and photographs

The Chamber website may contain links to member websites. The Chamber cannot control the information policies of these third parties and as such takes no responsibility for the collection of data. 

In addition to this, the Chamber operates profiles on many social media channels. These social media websites themselves and any advertisement links contained on them are not a part of the Chamber’s authorised sites and as such the Chamber is not responsible for data collection of these third parties.  

Data is retained in order to offer business services. Data containing personal information is retained on online databases with secure access by authorised individuals in the company. The Chamber takes necessary steps to protect this information from alteration and loss. Non-personal information is also retained however this data remains anonymous and is used solely for website design improvement and demographic purposes and cannot be retraced to the user. 

The Chamber will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information kept on record is of the highest quality and up to date. If you have any queries about the information held about you or wish to correct any information on record please contact the office or alternatively on the contact us page on the Chamber’s website. This includes requests to access one’s own personal information and make corrections. This may be given on written request in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.  

The Chamber’s procedure for complaints is as follows:

  • All complaints are to be in writing and to be sent to the Administration Officer and/or the President.
  • Upon receipt of such complaint, the matter will be promptly investigated and dealt with accordingly.